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messaggi sulle traduzioni di City

Messaggi dal 30 Novembre 1999 al 1 Giugno 2000 - Messages from November 30 1999 to June 1 2000

An unknown for Spanish teenagers
Until the 9th of the last December, when Baricco got the young critics prize of Galizia, "Arcipreste Juan de San Clemente" for Castelli di Rabbia, he was really an unknown for spanish teenagers. But the whole jury (10 people between 15 and 18, I had the pleasure of beeing part of it) didn´t have doubts, it was clear he was a genius: 8 votes were for him. But now that we know him, as a writer and as a person, we´re still waiting for the translation into Spanih of City. How long?

María Arce (the one who loves Savigny) (

Messaggi dal 1 Giugno 2000 al al 31 Dicembre 2000 - Messages from June 1 2000 to December 31 2000

Just thanks...
I can´t remember the way I started reading you, but it doesn´t matter. I loved Seta, but no more than Oceano Mare, and... What more can I say? I´ve just already started reading City, and i´m quite sure i´m going to love it too... Thanks, just thanks. Jaime Serrano, Spain

Jaime Serrano (

Am Anfang war ich etwas befangen was das neue Buch "City" von ihnen anging, doch nach den ersten Seiten war ich wieder gefangen in einer Welt wie sie nur Alessandro Barrico schreiben kann. Mir ist noch kein anderer Autor bis jetzt untergekommen der es versteht, philosophische Ansichten so schön und naiv, und dadurch so angenehm in Worte zu fassen. Es macht Spaß in seinen Welten und in seinen "City´s" umherzuschlendern. Wie ist es möglich das einem, dem Anschein nach komische Personen (Gould: erfindet Freunde, und streicht mit ihnen durch die Stadt), so sympathisch und liebenswert erscheinen. Was mir an der Internetseite besonders gefällt ist, das man endlich mal die Inspiration (MUSIK) teilen und entdecken darf. Ich interessiere mich sehr für den Prozess des Schreibens und war erfreut als ich feststellte das A.B. auch für ein Buch lang immer und immer wieder die gleich Musik hört. In diesem Sinne freue ich mich auf das nächste Werk und fände es auch nicht schlecht wieder so eine gut funktionierende Internetseite darüber vorzufinden. Dadurch gelingt es dem Autor nämlich auch ein Stück näher an seine Leser zu kommen und macht ihn dadurch ebenso sympathisch wie die Protagonisten seiner Bücher. Auch wennn es nur ein simpler Eindruck ist, aber man erhält den Eindruck das der Autor dadurch näher an seinen Lesern ist und nicht weit weg im Sagen umwobenen Elfenbeinturm. Der erste Eindruck ist entscheidend.

Jens Kremb (

Ich habe bis jetzt alle Bücher von Alessandro Baricco gelesen, die in deutscher Sprache erschienen sind. Es gab in keinem Buch bis jetzt eine Stelle, über die ich hätte lachen können. Ich konnte mir garnicht vorstellen, daß Baricco solche Bücher überhaupt schreiben kann. Was für eine tolle Überraschung! Es gibt in City wirklich unglaublich komische Abschnitte (z.B. Kapitel 14 im Fast-food-Restaurant). Sonst finde ich auch in diesem Buch den unverkennbaren Baricco-Stil der immer mit einer großen Portion Schwermut und unglaublicher Sehnsucht ausgestattet ist. Ich kann die Art, wie diese Bücher geschrieben sind nur bewundern. Das sind keine Bücher, sondern legale Drogen.

Viola Kattner (

Ava Adore.
Wew. Most messages are in Italian, so I unfortunately can't understand. Nevertheless I would like to know some people who share my love to the writings of Baricco. Damn. As far as I remember, the author stated that City was very different from his former books. I don't think so. The style. His talent to write a book that is just beautiful and whose beauty cannot be described. That's Baricco. Whatever. Waiting for the next one. :)

toco (

Die Handlungsstränge sind wie ein Netz miteinander verknüpft, obwohl sie keinen Bezug zueinander zu haben scheinen. Und dennoch ist er da, weil die Personen, in deren Köpfen andere Handlungen ablaufen (Boxen und Western) miteinander in Verbindung stehen. Vielleicht wird ihr Verhalten zueinander gerade durch ihre eigene Gedankenwelt bestimmt. Das ist mir erst nach dem Lesen aufgefallen. Ich habe das Buch zugeklappt und dachte, warum hat B. nicht drei geschichten daraus gemacht. Hat die jeweilige Handlung nicht für eine eigenständige Geschichte gereicht? Jetzt bin ich aber froh darüber, weil die Personen eben durch ihre eigene Gedankenwelt erklärbar sind; inclusive Shatzys Tod (Western Helden sterben nun mal) und Goulds Ende als "Klomann" (Scheiß-Intellekt).

Consuela Kothe (

Esto es sólo para decir que admiro absolutamente el trabajo de este escritor y que por el momento es el único que provoca en mí avidez por la lectura. Quizá por que yo también amo la música. Gracias


Je répond. Il est tard et je n'aime pas dormir.
City, c'est bon.

danic (

Quel sensation merveilleuse lorsque, à la lecture de quelques lignes, à la pensée de lire ces lignes, le coeur vous débat comme lors des premiers rendez-vous amoureux. Jamais un auteur ne m'a touché autant. J'achève City. Je suis rendu au prologue et je ne peux me résigner à terminer sa lecture. J'aimerais tellement pouvoir lire ces livres dans leurs versions originales! Vraiment, les lectures les plus touchantes, les plus intelligentes, les plus raffinées que j'ai eu l'occasion de fréquenter sont celles de M. Baricco. Un immense merci!

isabelle Leclerc (

Alessandro, Chacun de vos livres est un vrai BONHEUR!!! Voyage au pays de l’imaginaire où le lecteur vous suit pas à pas, déconcerté par les méandres du parcours et stupéfait d’être arrivé à une destination qu’il n’attendait pas. CITY : comme toute ville, est le plus foisonnant, on s’y perd parfois vraiment… mais habilement vous venez nous chercher pour parcourir une autre artère… Il me semble que CITY est le plus mélancolique de vos livres… : point de survie possible sans imaginaire ? Mille mercis. Laurence. (FRANCE)

Laurence DUPUIS (

A selection of comments will be published? What crap! You publish the positive comments and don't publish the negative ones. I know because I've sent you a negative message. This guy who wrote this book. What does he know about the United States? And what do his Italian readers know? Nothing!


Who are you, Alessandro Baricco, and have you ever been to the United States? Why don't you write about Italy? Whay are Italians always writing about the United States when it's so obvious they don't know what they're talking about?


Gentile signore Baricco, sono la traduttrice del suo libro City nella lingua slovacca. In questi giorni sto lavorando sulla traduzione e devo dire che 'e il lavoro bellissimo. Da tanti anni ho pensato di scrivere un libro di una persona, non immaginavo il bambino, geniale, con problema del diverso approccio del mondo, con capacità di poter capire molto più profondamente. Lei è riuscito di esprimere la diveristà e la solitudine in modo eccellente. Abbiamo tanta compassione con i bambini hadicappati,è diventato quasi di moda di occupparsi di loro, ma la nostra società quasi completamente trascura chi abbia avuto di più dalla natura, superficialmente pensando che quel dono sia facile da godere. Non lo è, perchè vivere incomprensione è ugualmente difficile. Era ora che qualcuno finalmente dicesse anche questa verità. E questa la considerola sua grande scoperta e anche coraggio di esprimerlo. Il suo libro uscirà nella lingua slovacca quest'anno e mi auguro che venga capito. Dagmar Sabolov'a Istito per la Letteratura mondiale Accademia Slovacca delle Scienze Konventna 13 831 06 Bratislava N.B. Vorrei chiedere all'autore spedire gentilmente la sua foto, perchè la casa editrice Slovart vorrebbe far stampare il manifesto per la pubblicazione del libro. Grazie.

Dagmar Sabolova ()

Messaggi da Dicembre 2000 a Maggio 2001- Messages from December 2000 to May 31 2001

besoin d'aide
bonjour, je m'appelle Bruno et je suis étudiant j'ai un travail à faire sur city et j'ai besion d'aide. Je voudrais savoir les caractéristiques des personnages... merci

Bruno Champoux (

Per una balena
There would be salms sung by a choir I would have a white robe a halo newly acquired I'd be at peace and I'd have no desire If I'd lived right there would be cherubs with tiny harps harrows and bows I'd have a halo and a flowing whire robe I'd be enfolded by a celestial light If I'd lived right But I'm feeling hot and bothered under the collar I feel the sweat breaking out on my brows I feel the heat and I know it's the passion The love I can't disavow If this is a dream wake me up now If this is a movie let's edit these scenes out It would be a PG instead of an X-rated life if I'd lived right Some would call me a cheat call me a liar Say that I've been defeated by the basist desires Yes I have strayed and succumbed to my vices But I tried to live right But I have no regrets no guilt in my heart I only feel sadness for any pain that I've caused I guess I wouldn't bother to worry at all If I'd lived right Do you live by the book do you play by th rules? Do you care what is thought by others about you? If this day is all that is promised to you Do you live for the future the present the past? If there is one thing I know I know I will die If anyone cares some stranger may critique my life I may be revered or defamed or decried But I tried to live right There would be psalms sung by a choir I would have a white robe and a halo newly acquired I'd be at peace and I'd have no desire If I'd lived right. TRACY CHAPMAN, NUMERO 6


no he leido libros mejores
no me leido libros mejores, voy aprender italiano solo para leerlos otra vez

Mondrian (

Ein Genuß Gedanken und menschliche Vielseitigkeit so virtuos erfaßt zu sehen. Beruhigend, daß auch andere Menschen Traumwelten nicht als "kindischen Unsinn" abtun und vielen Dank für dieses Buch.

Kasia (

Land aus Glas hat mich total fasziniert. Das Orchester das aus Menschen hergestellt worden ist und die Schreibweise des Aneinanderreihen von Gedankengängen finde ich irre spannend, interessant. In dem Kapitel wo der Arbeiter aus der Glasfabrik starb hast Du Dir erlaubt einen Satz immer wieder zu wiederholen und dabei Wörter wegzulassen. Das hatte eine große Wirkung. Das erste Buch das ich las war "Seide". Da fand ich es wirklich interessant, dass Du Dir auch so Widerholungen erlaubt hast mit dem Weg nach Japan. Ich bin selber auch Schreiberin und lerne aus Deinen Werken!ICh bin gespannt, wie City ändet. ICh bin gerade bei dem Boxkampf.

Heike Kretzler (

Messaggi da Giugno a Dicembre 2001 - Messages from June to December 2001

Looking for Baricco
I would like to send an email directly to Baricco to share my feelings about City. If it is not possible, is there someone who could forward an email to him? Please let me know Natalia from Poland

natalia barbaro (

usto despues de haber acabado de leer city
Jake Lamotta y Joaquín Murieta Mirar tu miedo en los ojos de tu adversario, para no pensar en la muerte. Pero Shatzy se muere, me pregunto quién sería el adversario de Shatzy... ella misma? por eso quizas nunca pudo ver su miedo en sus propios ojos. Por eso quizas, es como una de esas cajas de courier que después de haber cruzado tantas fronteras se han quedado sucias, desgarradas pero bellas por todas las pegatinas e inscripciones en chino y en inglés que se le han ido añadiendo hasta el final de su trayecto, una vez su objetivo se ha completado: entregar a su destinatario lo que toda su viad a llevado en su interior. esme.

esmé (

Ultimi messaggi da Gennaio 2002 - Messages from January 2002 (sito chiuso in settembre 2005)

city is full of love to human nature
city is the best book that i ever read. i thing this phorum is full of this words, but it's true. i find in this book big part of my self and i glad,that this came to hands. p.s. sorry for my english

pedro (Lithuania) (



city music
I´d like to write the music for the book. A special music that you would play everytime you read CITY. I´m a musician from Buenos Aires, a not so far City from the Baricco City.

Julian Hasse (

Gould works in a supermarket?¿
i know it's an strange question, but it is also a fantastic strange book

edgar (

Purtroppo non parlo italiano
nun, da scheine ich ja der einzige zu sein, der seinen kommentar in deutscher sprache abgeben möchte. macht nichts. von baricco habe ich bis jetzt gelesen: seide, novecento und eben erst angelesen: ohne blut. es sind texte, die mich zu berühren vermögen. ich kann sie nicht einfach weglegen und basta, sie klingen nach - zuweilen ohne dass ich ihr nachklingen begreifen kann. texte, die zu berühren vermögen, das ist für mich das magische moment eines buches. und dafür danke ich alessandro barrico von herzen. zur zeit bin ich noch mit melvilles moby dick beschäftigt. vielleicht tauche ich danach in city ein.

christoph (

This is only to say that I'm a bit confused because I'm a great reader of Baricco's books but I read it in my language and that is CATALAN or Spanish. I'll be very happy if one of this languages are in this web. thank you. Otherwise I try to read the web in italian because it's a wonderful language.

Mireia (

A russian variant of City is marvelous! Just trying to read it in italian...

Eugenia (Mosca) ()

Fading Stars I've Worshipped Under
Mondrian Kilroy would say nothing, so what makes me think I should do otherwise? Because I haven't reached that level of intelligence. Baricco's work is humbling. It leaves an unnameable feeling on the inside, an imprint on the heart, that brings you closer to what is human in the world.

Tommy Wright (

city comment from zagabria
city will be classic some day for now is the most inventive novel in the world we can read.

Sanja Klaic Bilic (

un espacio intermedio
Lo que más me atrae de la obra de Alessandro Baricco es su capacidad de ubicarme en un territorio intermedio en el que de pronto la linea que separa lo conciente de lo inconciente se diluye. En este espacio, que bien podria ser un PLIEGUE, el adentro y el afuera se vuelven reversibles. Así, leo las frases del libro, luego aparecen imagenes y sueños que danzan en un no-lugar, ya que el libro me descoloca, me introduce a ese espacio intermedio del que hablo. Me parece que son más que palabras, son silencios y juegos con imágenes, con lo cual penetran al inconciente de manera directa...como la música. Soy Psicoterapeuta, y cada vez que navego con Baricco, navego con mis sueños. Es de una gran potencia!!! Mas allá de las palabras que pueda nombrar... un gran sentimiento...

Ani Bustamante (

Hello. i know this is strange, but I am a communications major looking to make a short adaptation to digital video of the final chapter of OceanSea. I know this is off topic, but I wondered if anyone here knew how to go about this. If need be, I can write in italian, I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Thank you

renata (

Dieses Buch hat mich wirklich sehr begeistert, so sehr, daß es am 3.mai 2003 um 20 Uhr im Theater N.N. in Hamburg (Hellkamp 68) eine szenische Lesung mit Musik von Kirstin Stehnke (gitarre) und Jens Wesemann als Gould, Judith Mann als Shatzy Shell geben wird.


I walked into my sister's room one night, and asked her if she had anything to read, since I had just finished rereading yet another Tolkien book. She handed me The City and said that she hadn't the chance to start it yet. So I read it. Wow. It is truly amazing that a single book can excite, and arouse your mind to such an extent, and that it could contain such a large variety of themes and even plots, each of which are completely to you liking. I have not read Silk, but if it is half as good as this book, I will be more than pleased! (and I'm sure I will be). It is a truly amazing book, it really is.

Vasiko Manjgaladze (

Looking Forward to Air-Cooperation
Hi, i am reading "City" at the Moment. Its weird, i like it :) i just wanted to say that i am looking forward to the Cooperation with AiR, although i dont speak one word italian. CIAO°°yu

waiu (

Ciudad hermosa
Pues no he encontrado mensajes en español en todo el foro. Pero estoy seguro que hay mucha gente de habla española visitando recurrentemente el sitio, así que aquí voy. Regularmente, si uno ha leído con anterioridad otros libros de Alessandro, la primera impresión es muy floja. Pasan las páginas y parece que nada sucede: Gould, Shatzy,Futbol. Todo en diálogos cortos en una atmósfera vacía.Entonces hay dos opciones, se sigue el consejo de la contraportada (al menos en la edición de Anagrama) y se deposita el libro en la basura o uno piensa en todos los buenos momentos que los anteriores escritos del Baricco nos han proporcionado y se continúa con la lectura. El libro avanza y con el se van abriendo caminos, caminos muy sutiles que guardan una historia particular. Aparece el Box, el Western y las ideas de Gould volando como mariposas. Quizá en este libro Alessandro se halla despojado del estilo que se había hecho tan distintivo en sus obras anteriores, pero ha cambio nos ha ofrecido momentos de lucidez tan claros que hay momentos en los que uno deja de leer para entregarse a sus propios recuerdos (la manera en que los padres influyen en la vida de sus hijos. La posibilidad que todos tenemos de hacer algo completamente distinto a lo que todos esperan de nosotros). Una de las primeras ideas que me cruzaron unos días después de haber terminado el libro era que su autor siempre había querido escribir algo así. Siempre. Pero estaba consciente de la dificultad de vender algo así sin un nombre, una reputación literaria. Y comenzó a escribir esos libros tan bellos como son Tierras de Cristal, Océano Mar y Seda. Después de esto, prácticamente podía escribir - y publicar- lo que quisiera. El resultado es un libro que detrás de esa aparente costra guarda ideas capaces de ponernos a pensar lenta y profundamente. No sé, es una teoría que quiero compartir con gente que también está inmersa en la Ciudad Baricco. Venga, desde aquí, un saludo.

Antonio (

resenha Correio Braziliense
Publiquei uma resenha sobre o livro City no jornal Correio Braziliense do dia 17 de novembro de 2002. Aos interessados, é só acessar, caderno Pensar

Stefania Chiarelli (

City est un livre merveilleux, le fait d avoir réussi à mélanger trois histoires aussi différentes avec tant de fluidité est magique. Je ne comprends toujours pas comment il est possible d avoir une immagination aussi ciel à ciel. Je ne suis jamais rentré dans un western comme dans celui de closingtown. Gould et shatzy sont parfaits. C est dingue qu ils sortent de la tete d un seul bonhomme. Les autres romans de baricco m ont également marqués mais city, c'est une dimension imaginative supérieur, me semble t il.. Merci sig. Baricco.

fred-balan (

Bouche bée et yeux écarquillés
Reading "City" was for me one of those things you have to talk about, just like going across a continent by train, but it's also one of those things you can find no proper words to describe. I guess it just means I felt at home in this book. I wish I could read Italian, and I might feel at home in this language.

Sandrine (

Thank You
I've just finished reading the novel few minutes ago. I'll be thinking of it years to come. Thank You, Mr Baricco.

Mihailo Krstic (miksa@eunet.yu)

Herzlichen dank
Wie ein schritt heraus aus dem Bedrägenden und auf einen einstürzenden. Ein ruhiger hafen voller wohliger strudel. Wie die davor und hoffentlich noch viele weitere. und ich bin erst auf seite 60!!!

Daniel Braun (

j`ai trouve cela fantastique
c`est genial ce book City!!!! j`en ai relu 3 fois, 2 en russe et une fois en francais, je tiens a signaler que la version russe a ete plus "riche" en vocabulaire choisie... Regards,

Tiana (

Buongiorno, o meglio buona sera. Sono capitata per caso su di un suo libro. Per riassumere questa piacevole coincidenza, le dico che ho ho studiato un anno all'estero, in Québec. Io adoro la lettura ed ho chiesto alla mia professoressa di francese di consigliarmi un libro. Lei mi ha regalto la sua copia di Novecento. Mi ha detto di essere stata colpita dal testo e, la cosa più toccante, è stata di vedere la sua nuova alieva italiana descritta nel libro. Non ho mai capito cosa volesse significare la sua frase. Questa sera, dopo aver passato una giornata piena d'emozioni, ho sentito il bisogno di mettere su carta certi pensieri che non riuscivo a fermare. Poi, l'occhio mi ha caduto sulla copia del libro, e con un pò di nostalgia dell'anno trascorso in America e anche della mia professoressa, ho deciso di leggere il libro da lei regalatomi. Dopo le prime 5 pagine non sono più riuscita a smettere. In un'ora ho finito il racconto al completo. Mi è capitato di piangere a più riprese. Mi sento ignorante. Non ho mai saputo della sua esistenza. La traduzione in francese è stupenda, mi chiedo come potrà essere la versione italiana. Non trovo le parole per dirle che sono rimasta completamente folgorata dal suo modo di scrivere. Non si può immaginare come mi piacerebbe essere altrettanto brava. La ringrazio, perchè stanotte ho imparato qualcosa, ed è lei che me lo ha insegnato senza bisogno di conoscermi. Con forte ammirazione le mando i miei saluti più cari. Arrivederci nella mia prossima lettura.

Sara (

city forever
my sister received the book as a present for her birthday. i was on holiday, had nothing to read, so started the city. as I read, i wished it grow, the streets -- to cross more and more towns, merge with highways, take me to more places, envelope the globe. it is endlessly sad to realize you will never meet people like gould, shatzi, diesel and pumerang in the real life. there are many bad and good things in this life. one of the best is this book. like films of tarkovsky, bergman, fellini, like rain and Iceland's landscapes. Moscow

Kristine (

This is not for publication,just some words that I hope will reach Alessandro. Thank you for being.

Sandra Saal (

There is nothing much to say. Baricco knows what he is doing. First I read "Silk" and I thought: "Next time when somebody asks me about my favourite writer, I will finally have an answer!" When I saw "City" in the library, I was afraid it might be not so good as "Silk", that I will have to search for a new favourite writer. I took a risk. My answer is still the same. It is absolutelly Alessandro Baricco!

Iva Andrijanic (

Hello!!!! I am from Russia and I couldn`t speak italian (unfortuantly), and I can only operate English or French to write you. I was very impressed by your Seta, Ocean-mare and City, that I `ve read in russian. Franckly speaking I would like to appreciate your books in the original, but... in this case I have to learn italian, but it`s not the worst idea which can arrive in my head:-)))) In Russia we haven`t your another books, but I hope that in future I `ll have the possibility to read them. Thanks for theses books Tiana

Tiana (tiana@inbox.

The best!!!
City is incredible four-in-one book! Absolutely fabulous! As I was reading it, the pictures just kept moving throught my head. and the conclusion came all by itself! This book is not just book, it's an abstract movie masterpiece, waiting for someone to film it. Hvala vam gospodine baricco!!!

smi (

une bouffée d'air frais
C'est l'effet que me font chacun des livres de Baricco, et c'est pourquoi ce site m'a fait tant plaisir: découvrir, un peu plus, ce que représente pour l'auteur ces mots, ces mondes, me donne l'espoir d'arriver un jour, moi aussi, à peindre une réalité aussi épurée, tout en restant réelle. Pour le moment, je profite de mes ballades dans l'univers d'Alessandro. Qu'il ne se taise jamais!

sarah (

street energy
hello, during my literary studies i specialized in a theme called "literature and the city". i studied the various roles of the city in literature. i became obsessed about arguing how strongly creative the city could be. how only creativity could weaken the urban agressions... now i work in advertising and i specialize in graffiti research. before that in highschool i was overwhelmed by calvino's traffic lights playing with the moon... anyway this is just to say that picking CITY on the shelf was the beginning of many other coincidences: the salinger-holden background (catcher in the rye is my favorite book partly because of its passage about the "digression" exercise at school which i find hilarious), the monet nenuphars absolutely perfect description (i saw the nenuphars at the tuileries in 2000 and it was an incredible experience). series of delightful encounters surround my reading of CITY. thank you for that. this is more than reading, it's nourishing my world. therefore precious. thanks for the pleasure + the jewel.

suzanne breza (

Ich dachte ein beeindruckender und einfühlsamer Roman, doch es war ganz ander, aber gut!


City es una novela superior a Ciudad de Cristal, en ella Barico logra mostrarnos dos universos que se hallan; sin dejar a un lado la forma extraordinaria de empatar historias magnpificas y, aparentemente, inconexas.

Martín (

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